About Peter Benson FRPS MCrGP AWPF CPAGB BPE3*

The quote on the right echoes how I feel about the night or should I say the magic of the night.
I would describe myself as a very keen urban nightscape photographer, which I have been doing since late 2013. When I started photographing at night I found I was getting some good results. Since then I have strived to improve my photographic and processing skills.
My urban nightscape photography has taken me to some great places to photograph, like London, Glasgow, Cambridge, New York, Berlin, Hamburg, Lisbon, Seville and Florence.
Since 2015 I have tutored to clients from all over the UK my style of urban nightscape photography in and around London. To share my passion for urban nightscape I present talks about my urban nightscape photography to camera clubs and societies via Zoom or similar. In addition I offer 1-2-1 tuition online via Zoom on the techniques I use to take my urban nightscapes as well as my way processing of nightscapes images.
As well as a member of Cambridge Camera Club I am also a member of the Royal Photographic Society and The Guild of Photographers. In 2022 I was made a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society and a Master Craftsman of The Guild of Photographers. Some of the images I used to gain these distinctions have been used to create my puzzles and wall art in my shop.
As you will see from the section below I have enjoyed a reasonable amount of success with my photography, which is great as over the years other people have enjoyed and liked my work.
Besides my urban nightscapes I also have a growing interest in producing abstract work, which I can't wait to see where it takes me.

Awards, Achievements and Publications.
December 2018 I had my print "To the Point" accepted into the PAGB Masters of Print Hall of Fame, for which it also was given two awards by Exhibition sponsors Epson and Permajet.
June 2020 three of my Urban Nightscape images where shortlisted for Landscape Photographer of The Year 2020 Awards.
October 2020 I was awarded Associate of The Royal Photographic Society, (ARPS Landscape) in prints for my Urban Night Photography for which the panel of my work that I put forward can be seen here and on the RPS website as an example submission for the ARPS for the Landscape genre.
October 2020 The online edition of Amateur Photographer featured the success of my recent ARPS, which can be seen here.
December 2020 I was awarded an Associateship of the Welsh Photographic Federation (AWPF) for my work in prints of my Urban Nightscapes.
January 2021 Amateur Photographer Reader's Portfolio featured a selection of my Urban Nightscape images, which can be seen here.
February 2021 My successful Associate panel was featured in the Royal Photographic Society's Journal magazine and can be seen here.
April 2021 I had four of my Urban Nightscapes selected for the RPS East Anglian Region Exhibition.
May 2021 I was made a Craftsman of The Guild of Photographers for my Urban Nightscapes. I also have been regularly gained awards in the Guild's Image of the Month competitions, which can be seen in the galleries section.
December 2021 my image "The City That Never Sleeps" has been selected as one of the ten finalists in the Urban category of the Guild of Photographers Image of the Year competition.
May 2022 My Mono Print "Across the East River" was Highly Commended at the East Anglian Federation (EAF) of Photographic Societies annual Exhibition.
September 2022 I was awarded a Fellowship of The Royal Photographic Society, (FRPS Landscape) in prints for my Urban Night Photography for which the successful panel of my work that I submitted can be seen here.
September 2022 I was made a Master Craftsman of The Guild of Photographers for Prints of my London Urban Nightscapes prints. The successful panel of my work that I submitted can be seen here.
Link to the Guild of Photographers announcement
September 2022 Guild of Photographers digital magazine Creative Light ran a 6 page spread on my successful Master Craftsman panel , which can be seen here
December 2022 my image "Across from Cuckold's Point" has been selected as one of the ten finalists in the Urban category of the Guild of Photographers Image of the Year competition.
January 2023 Winner of the monochrome section in the Cambridge Independent Newspaper's new photography competition, with all my three entries scoring the high marks. On top of that I scored very highly over all across the other categories in the competition.
February 2023, Achieve the Guild of Photographers "Photographers Bar", which acknowledges that I have submitted strong images consistently throughout the year 2022 in a competitions judged in accordance with national scoring criteria.
February 2023, Recognised in the "Open" category for year 2022, as one of the ‘Top 10 Photographers’ with the highest total of points in the Guild of Photographers Image of the Month competitions.
March 2023, Featured in the Photo Stories section of the March 2023 Issue of the Canon Magazine Photoplus, which can be see here.
January 2024 Guild of Photographers Cameracraft Magazine ran a 4 page featured about my Urban Nightscape photography, which can be seen here.
February 2024, For the second year running I have achieved the Guild of Photographers "Photographers Bar", which acknowledges that I have submitted strong images consistently throughout the year 2023 in a competitions judged in accordance with national scoring criteria.
February 2024, Recognised in the "Open" category for year 2023, as one of the ‘Top 10 Photographers’ with the highest total of points in the Guild of Photographers Image of the Month competitions.
My images have been selected to appear in UK National and International Exhibitions and have gained a few awards along the way.
My Urban Nightscape images have featured in the RPS Journal, RPS Landscape Group magazine, Amateur Photographer magazine, PhotoPlus, Creative Light and Cameracraft Magazine.
If you are interested in joining the Guild of Photographers, please contact me for details and a special offer on your first year's membership.